Mountain Adventurer

Mountain Adventurer

The Mountain Adventurer really is big. In fact we think its one of the biggest garden climbing frames you can buy. With the top of the roof nearly 4m above the ground the upper deck really gives a fantastic vantage point over the garden. But it is properly built too. Our double deck structure makes for a solid and stable construction – and our play equipment doesn’t need ground anchors to stop it toppling over like so many on the market.



Mountain Adventurer – for serious climbing

With two playdecks at 1.5m and 2.1m, the Mountain Adventurer allows your young explorers to scale the heights. The 1.5m deck is the base camp, then a mini ladder gives access to the summit. Here you can fit either of our two longer slides – the 4.4m Super Slide or the fabulous tube slide.  And to get up maybe add a ladder or a gangplank. Or if the kids are really adventurous we offer a super high rock wall or cargo net which goes all the way up to the top level.  And like all our back garden climbing frames there is a choice of swing beams and loads of different sorts of swing seat to choose from.

Mountain Adventurer – one of the tallest

The Mountain Adventurer really is big. In fact we think its one of the biggest garden climbing frames you can buy. With the top of the roof nearly 4m above the ground the upper deck really gives a fantastic vantage point over the garden. But it is properly built too. Our double deck structure makes for a solid and stable construction – and our play equipment doesn’t need ground anchors to stop it toppling over like so many on the market.

To see the full range of accessories to go on our residential play equipment.

Like all our systems you can customise the layout to suit your needs with different accessories.

Package 1

Package #1 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Ladder £165
Cargo Net £240
TOTAL £3005

Package 2

Package #2 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Gangplank £445
Two-position Swing Beam £495
Tyre Swing Beam £595
Enclosed Spiral Slide £695
Two Sling Swings £80
Wall Unit £155
TOTAL £5045

Package 3

Package #3 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Ladder £165
Cargo Net £240
Firepole £95
4.4m Super Slide £695
In-Club Picnic Table £295
TOTAL £4090

Package 4

Package #4 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Ladder £165
Cargo Net £240
Monkey Bar £445
Super Height Rock Wall £480
Enclosed Spiral Slide £695
In-Club Picnic Table £295
Two-position Swing Beam £495
Two Sling Swings £80
Wood Roof Upgrade £530
Delete wall unit -£155
TOTAL £5870

Package 5

Package #5 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Gangplank £445
Cargo Net £240
4.4m Super Slide £695
Enclosed Spiral Slide £695
Bottom Clubhouse £715
Ladder Beam £625
Two Sling Swings £80
Wood Roof Upgrade £530
TOTAL £6625

Package 6

Package #6 Item Price
Mountain Adventurer Clubhouse £2400
3m Wave Slide £200
Ladder £165
Rock Wall £440
4.4m Super Slide £695
Enclosed Spiral Slide £695
Bottom Clubhouse £715
Two-position Swing Beam £495
Two Sling Swings £80
Firepole £95
Wood Roof Upgrade £530
TOTAL £6510